Zumba Impact Max Shoe Review

Wink your eyes a few times and it is time to buy a new pair of Zumba shoes again. What we are about to talk here is the Zumba Impact Max. This shoe is designed by Zumba and made by Zumba to overcome high impact movements such as twisting, gliding, spinning and others. It looks really cute and works very well on both carpet and wooden floor. In order to…
Read more...New Balance WX608V4 Shoe Review

The New Balance WX608V4 was introduced as training shoes with the aim to helping athletes achieve their objectives. Many Zumba instructors recommend this shoe to their students because it has a very good lateral support. It works magnificently for Zumba practitioners especially those with plantar fasciitis. Among all the New Balance collections, it is one of the best options for Zumba and other cross training workouts. In order to know…
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